วันศุกร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Young people today

Now in 2007 everything is changing. People change because environment is changing. Young people have a habit different to people who were before 2007.
Some people think that nowadays young people have a bad habit but I think nowadays young people some person have a bad habit but another person is very good person too. I think nowadays young people have a good idea to do something. I think they have ability to do many things. They have a good imagination so they want a chance to show the ability.
I think if they have a chance, they will do something very good.
Young people today just like to listen to music. I think it is normal about teenagers. However, older people think they do something that is not no useful but I think something they do it is the way to relax and it has a useful. For example if they like to play music good in the future, they may be an artist who plays music the best in the world.
I think every body wants a chance so it is not wrong of young people want a chance. I think every body should give a change to people who want a chance like you.

My first time.

Hello! My name is Peach. I am a girl who learns in grade 10. I am Thai. I like to learn language more than math.
When I have time I like to play computer. I like to listen music and I like to sing songs. I want to play music well but I can’t and I don’t know why I can’t play music.
I have one older sister. My older sister’s name is Pear. She learns in university. She wants to be a veterinarian like my father I want too but I hate math so good bye veterinarian.
I don’t like bugs. I hate cockroaches.
I stay in Thailand. I think Thailand is very hot but Thailand has many interesting and beautiful things.
Now I have a lot of home work to do and I am very tired and bored. I want time to watch TV. I like to watch TV very much.
I love my friends very much. They stay with me when I am sad or happy.
I have 2 dogs. My dogs name is Makam and Rainbow. Makam is female and Rainbow is male. Makam is mother of Rainbow.
I love my family. I love my friends. I love my dogs.