วันพุธที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


A different country has a different culture. I think the environment can make the culture so many countries have different weather a different environment so they have a different culture.

Every country has different weather and a different environment so the food is different to eat ,For example ,in Europe the weather is cold so people want meat to make the body warm but in Asia the weather is hotter than Europe so they will eat the vegetables more than Europe.

I think every culture of every country has a reason to do something and it is proper with that country. I think the culture of every country is good if it does not destroy someone. I think people should respect the culture of another country because every country has different beliefs and have different opinions so people should respect the opinions of every country.

I think sometimes people think people who come from Europe will be different people to those who come from Asia. I think they think that because people will think someone who has a different familiarity of the culture will be different from them. But I think they are not all different they are different about a little thing because I think they are a human like me. They have feelings like me. They can wake up ,can eat and can sleep like me, it is just different of the environment of the country.

Some people think person of another country has a different language to say but I think they can communicate with body language. I think body language can communicate better than word language because body language can tell better than speaking.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expects of me

Sometimes I do something that I do but I don’t want to do. My family wants to make me have a good grade. I want to have a good grade too but I don’t like to study hard.

I want to make my family happy but sometime it is difficult to do. But I think the best thing that society expects of me is they want to make me to be a good person. I want to be a good person too and this thing is not too hard to do.

Sometimes I don’t like to follow an order of my family or my teacher but I follow an order because I know they wish well with me.

I think some person who is a good person but learns badly is better than some person learning well but who is a bad person because a bad person can make a bad impact with society. But it does not mean I will be a good person but not learn. If I have a good grade and I am a good person it is better.

Sometimes I want to play a game to relax but my family doesn’t like that I will check that if I finish my homework I will tell my family and I think they will know that I want to relax.