วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My Parent’s Opinions

My parent’s thinks about teenagers that nowadays teenagers do many bad things because they read the newspaper and in newspaper had many bad behavior of teenager. My parents think nowadays the society is worse than before. My parents think nowadays many fashion is dangerous because it too sexy. They think television have a bad thing because it have some picture that bad picture and they think it can make teenager do something like the picture in television.They think nowadays the society is very dangerous. They think people in the society have a bad person more than before. They think many people don’t have a job so they want their kids have a good knowledge so they spend money to the tutor.

I think something I agree with them but something I don’t agree with them. I thing nowadays society is very dangerous but I think I can choose to stay in a good society or bad society. I think every society have a bad person and good person so I think I can choose to stay in good person. I think nowadays have many fashion that it too sexy but I think it have another fashion that it not too sexy but can make me happy and be safe. I think it normal that my parents think like this because I know that they love and try to make their kids be safe.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do something special or important?

When I do something special or important I feel very nervous. When I do something important many times I feel worry for example when I sang a song in the English camp I felt very nervous and I felt worry because I worried that I would sing the song not very well and make my team have a poor mark. But at that time I could sing a song because I received the spirit from my friends. They told me that they believed I could do it so I thought if my friends believed that I could do why worry like this? I think people around me believed in me to do it so that I thought I must believe that I can do it and noy make my friends disappointed.

I think sometimes when we have a chance to show the ability we should not make it not good enough just because you feel nervous. I think it is difficult to not feel nervous. I think it is normal to feel nervous but it doesn’t means when you are nervous you will make your ability become lower but you can do as well as you can if you believe in yourself.

I think the good chances come in your life. I think when you have a chance you should keep it and show that you can do it. It is good to have a chance to show your ability and practice to make you have self confidence. I think when you have a chance it is better than if you don’t have it.