วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My Parent’s Opinions

My parent’s thinks about teenagers that nowadays teenagers do many bad things because they read the newspaper and in newspaper had many bad behavior of teenager. My parents think nowadays the society is worse than before. My parents think nowadays many fashion is dangerous because it too sexy. They think television have a bad thing because it have some picture that bad picture and they think it can make teenager do something like the picture in television.They think nowadays the society is very dangerous. They think people in the society have a bad person more than before. They think many people don’t have a job so they want their kids have a good knowledge so they spend money to the tutor.

I think something I agree with them but something I don’t agree with them. I thing nowadays society is very dangerous but I think I can choose to stay in a good society or bad society. I think every society have a bad person and good person so I think I can choose to stay in good person. I think nowadays have many fashion that it too sexy but I think it have another fashion that it not too sexy but can make me happy and be safe. I think it normal that my parents think like this because I know that they love and try to make their kids be safe.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

panda man กล่าวว่า...

HI PEACH I think the parents that this kid has talking about is a bit same as many parents in the world. Maybe because they worry about their child too much but I don’t think we need the tutor just because our parents afraid we are going to be like what the newspaper always says. The parents should be the one who always teaches their kids to make a right decision. The parents should always tell the kids which one is right and which one is wrong. Also now every newspaper always shows the negative side of the world. Otherwise they won’t have anything interesting to write down on their newspapers. Parents now feeling bad and unlike about the world new society and fashion because, back in their own times when they were teenagers. They don’t have this kind of stuff. Sometimes they just can’t take it because they think it’s not the way people should be. The only thing for the parents now are to open they mind, try to teach their child and always think that “The world is change.”

oak_thai กล่าวว่า...

I don’t agree with your family because I think teenager are bad because them self not form news or them friend. I agree with your mother about T.V. because I think in T.V. have worse picture or bad thing to show and I think have many children watch because some bad picture it show in movie. I think if T.V. haven’t bad picture in T.V., it will help to society in Thailand will be better than present. I think cloth or fashions aren’t wrong but people who wear it but people who design it. They want to show a beautiful cloth but person who wear it don’t decide where they must wear it.